Опубликовано в журнале Новый Мир, номер 2, 1994
The poetry section contains selections of poems by Mikhail Kukin and Vladimir Golovanov.
Publication of selected chapters from Ivan Oganov’s “Autumnal Song of a Vine-Grower”, based on Georgian mythology, is ended in this issue (continued from № 1 and № 8, 1993).
Short story is represented by Anatoly Kim’s “Cossack Davlet” and diptych “The Girls” by Lyudmila Ulitskaya.
In the section “Publicistics” there is an article by German Andreyev, “Acquiring the Standards”, in which the author tella about his experience as an emigrs in Germany and enters into polemics with P. Vayl and A. Genis, residents of the U. S. A., who also published their emigres’ notes in the “Novy Mir” (№ 9, 1992).
In the section “Diaries. Memoirs” a renowned translator, poet and prose writer Semyon Lipkin appears with his recollections of the literary milien of the 1930’s, in particular of the poet Pavel Vasilyev.
In “Publications and Reports” Irma Kudrova tells about the last days of Marina Tsvetayeva in her essay “The Third Version”.
In the “Literary Criticism” section Alexander Arkhangelsky disputes over the correlation of belles lettres and ecclesiastical mentality.
In “Literary Review” Leonid Voronin reviews a book by Natalia Solntseva about the prose of Sergei Klychkov; K. Postoutenko reviews the memoirs of Margarita Voloshina (M. V. Sabashnikova), “The Green Snake”, and Irina Vasilkova writes about the first issue of a new magazine “Private School”.
In “Briefly About Books” E. Oznobkina reviews “Russian Cosmic Feeling. An Anthology of Philosophical Ideas”, a book by Yuseph Bohenski “A Hundred Superstitions, A Concise Dictionary of Prejudices”, and a single theme issue of the new St.-Petersburg magazine “Ars”.
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С. C. Аверинцев, В. П. Астафьев, А. Г. Битов, А. В. Василевский (от-ветственный секретарь), Д. А. Гранин, Д. С. Лихачев, П. А. Николаев,
В. Ю. Потапов, И. Б. Роднянская, В. И. Селюнин, З. М. Фаткудинов,
В. Л. Филимонов (зам. главного редактора), М. О. Чудакова, О. Г. Чухонцев
Коммерческий директор А. О. Петров
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Сдано в набор 20.11.93 г. Подписано к печати 22.12.93 г. Оригинал-макет изготовлен на компьютере редак-ции журналa “Новый мир”. Формат бумаги 70х108 1/16 . Бумага кн.-журн. Высокая печать. Объем 16 п. л.
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103798, Москва, Пушкинская пл., 5.