Опубликовано в журнале Дружба Народов, номер 6, 2007
Last year “DN” (2006, № 10) acquainted the readers with a long short story by a prosaist from Kazakhstan NICKOLAY VEREVOCHKIN (“A Man with No Name”). Here we present the new text by the author. What “the black hole” is we more or less know from books on cosmos and science fiction. And what “the white hole” is? We advise to believe the author — such a phenomenon also exists. Absolutely terrestrial one by the way — if not by origin then by the place of functioning. Well, you may not believe, though. A prompting: this work has nothing to do with science fiction. Neither has it with cosmos. So what? It’s for you to decide.
TOLEN ABDIKOV. The Flaming War of Mind. Long short story.
“Complicated, tense prose with deep penetration into metaphysical worlds. The philosophy of the text is symbolic and deals with tragic collisions of human life: the everlasting fight of Good and Evil in man’s soul”, — thus characterizes the story its translator, an outstanding Russian writer ANATOLIJ KIM.
OLEG KVJATKOVSKIJ. In a Euroasian’s Eyes.
Selection of essays, sketches and travel notes of a famous Kazakhstan publicist, which acquaints the readers with Kazakhstan — ancient and modern, Soviet and independent.
GEROLD BELGUER. “I’m an inmate of a Kazakh Aul”.
Interview with the writer and translator owning unique experience of naturally belonging to European and Asian cultures at the same time.
OLZAS SULEIMENOV. The Sound of a Thought Curved According to the Gauge.
Famous poet, the author of once sensational book “Аз-и-Я” (a play of words: Old Russian and modern Russian “I” compose Russian word “Asia”) shares with the readers the conclusions he has derived from his long years of linguistic research. He is convinced that the new etymological set of tools — the so called “token etymology” — allows to penetrate the mysteries of the most ancient words’ origins, the language of the paleolith epoch.