Опубликовано в журнале Дружба Народов, номер 4, 2007
YOULIU EDLIS. Wait for the Answer. A draft of a novel.
Quite a realistic fantasy on some aspects of Russian history and today’s life. Bankers, defaults, fights for Moscow’s expensive realty — and an ancient urban manorial estate simultaneously inhabited by all the proprietors and tenants ever resided in it. And all this has its inner connection.
The young prosaist from Tbilisi born and grown up in Sukhumi knows about the so called local conflicts not by hearsay. Some young, full of strength boys are tracing a real, not conventional enemy — but is it really an enemy? And they lose their lives in earnest — but what for?
In April, 2007, the ninetieth anniversary of Johannes Bobrovsky, a German poet whose brilliant style has influenced many of his contemporaries, is being celebrated in Germany. The leit-motif of his works is mainly predetermined by his lot – he used to be a soldier of the World War II, went through those places in Russia which were dear to him as a man brought up by the multinational culture of the Baltic Sea region, that’s why the tragedy of History and Culture in their unforeseen collision revives in his poems.
YOURIJ KAGRAMANOV. Green Bull at the Green Field.
The author of this analytical article comes to a conclusion that the constantly increasing antagonism between different branches within Mohammedianism seems to have reached the critical level. The collisions of Shiahs and Sunnites usually called “civil wars of low intensity” nowadays may be heralds of religion wars of high intensity which would involve all the Big Middle East or even much more vast territory.
What are the literary magazines today: a mirror of the literary process? A club of intellectuals? A ground for debuts? Master-classes? Whom are they being published for: for the readers or for the authors? Who read them? How do they get on with the Internet? Do they cooperate or compete with the Publishing Houses? What is their part in the multicultural society? All these questions were being discussed at the traditional meeting of the authors from Russian autonomies and independent countries of the ex-Soviet territory which “DN” is being regularly held in Peredelkino.